Help us save his angel eyes….

October 6, 2010


We have a story that must be shared because we need your HELP.  Our Dog Tired family reached out to the Gonzales family this past April when their dogs, Kenai and Cody, went missing.  Multiple families went out to search for them during organized search parties and separately on their own time.  Flyers were posted all over the area and sightings came in daily.  During that difficult time Cheryl and Amadeo found twenty lost dogs, none of them Kenai or Cody.  Eighteen were reunited with their families or placed in new homes.  The other two have been fostered by the Gonzales’.  For the past four months Katmai and Lhasa have been attending daycare with us on a weekly basis.  Katmai is a Siberian husky who is a miniature version of Cody.  Lhasa is an all white petite Alaskan husky with Kenai’s joy for life.  Both have won the hearts of our staff and the Gonzales family.  With no further word on Kenai and Cody the Gonzales’ decided to adopt the new pups permanently.

Katmai was recently diagnosed with juvenile cataracts and his eye sight is deteriorating rapidly.  This morning they discovered he has little to no sight left in either eye.  As we no longer have an animal ophthalmologist here in Alaska, their only hope to save his eyesight is in Kirkland, Washington.  Average cost from initial exam to post surgical follow up is $4,200, plus travel to and from Washington.  We are asking you to open your hearts and your wallets to help save Katmai’s eyesight.  Any amount will help big or small.  Another way to help would be gifting airline miles, contacting friends or family you may have in the Kirkland, WA area to help with driving or room accommodations.  The network of animal lover’s is wide we simply need help with the connections.  We have posted a video of Katmai returning to daycare this morning after his diagnosis.  Yes even with his diminished eye sight he is still able to function at daycare and for those of you who have dogs in Layla’s Lounge you’ll be proud to see them accepting Katmai back into the playgroup.  We have witnessed the power of our Dog Tired family and know that miracles can happen.  Please help us help this family.

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